ActionAid’s five year POWER (Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and Rights) project is taking place in Ghana, Rwanda, Bangladesh and Pakistan, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands. The project is working through local partners to achieve economic empowerment for women in rural communities. It is doing so by focusing on a number of interlinked areas: Unpaid Care Work (UCW), Climate Resistant Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA), access to markets and Violence Against Women (VAW). It builds on ActionAid’s extensive programme and policy experience in these thematic areas.
POWER Project in Ghana
An extension of the Funding Leadership Opportunities for Women (FLOW) project, the overall objective of the POWER project is to economically empower 6,000 rural women in Ghana to have increased income and the ability to control their income through practicing Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA), increased access to markets and reducing, recognising and redistributing burden of unpaid care work.
Implementation of the POWER project is in five regions in Ghana: The Talensi and Nabdam districts in the Upper East region, Jirapa district in the Upper West region, the Nanumba North and South districts in the Northern region, the Tain and Asutifi district in the Brong Ahafo region and the Adaklu district in the Volta region.
POWER is being supported by six local partners in these regions. They include Songtaba, Botitaba Nahira Taaba Development Union (BONATADU), Widows and Orphans Movement (WOM), Social Development and Improvement Agency (SODIA), Community Aid for Rural Development (CARD) and Global Action for Women Empowerment (GLOWA). The project team is also working with District Assemblies, Government Ministries, Traditional Leaders, Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Ghana Police, Commission for Human Rights and Administrative Justice ( CHRAJ), Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA), Community Based Anti-violence Team (COMBAT), Department of Food and Agriculture, National Board for Small Scale Enterprises, existing community level structures such as the farmers’ networks, women’s groups, and identified community facilitators.
Baseline Study
Launched on Thursday, 17th August 2017, the five-year Promoting Opportunities for Women's Empowerment and Rights (POWER) Baseline Study, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, studies the progress of the project since its inception, examining its successes and challenges, whiles making recommendations to guarantee the success of the POWER project.