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Gold rush: the impact of gold mining on poor people in Obuasi in Ghana

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYWhile the price of gold dips from near-record levels on world markets, new ActionAid research highlights that poor people in Obuasi in Ghana are suffering huge social and


FLOW Newsletter

The Women’s Rights to Sustainable Livelihoods (WRSL) project I also known as the Funding Leadership Opportunities for Women I (FLOW I) project is implemented by ActionAid and its partners with funding


World Social Forum in a Glimpse

Country Director of ActionAid Mozambique, Amade Sucá, offers a first hand insight of the 2016 World Economic Forum held in Canada. 


Day Two of the World Social Forum

Regional and Thematic Manager for Education & Youth of ActionAid Malawi, Julie Juma, provides insight on the 2016 World Economic Forum held in Canada 


Day Three of the World Economic Forum

 Governance & Accountability Coordinator of ActionAid Tanzania, provides a first-hand insight of the 2016 World Economic Forum held in Canada


Day Four of the World Social Forum

ActionAid's partner, Denis Kalekeni, General Secretary of the Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) provides a personal account of the 2016 World Social Forum held in Canada.


Not Ready, Still Waiting

Governments urgently need to improve their policy readiness if they want to have any chance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on inequalities. Governments in developing countries


Resilience Handbook: A Guide to Integrated Resilience Programming

Resilience building offers a response to the increasingly complex realities faced by communities. Taking a holistic view, resilience building not only views disaster, conflict and climate change as


Toolkit on financing education

The Toolkit for Financing of Education is targeted at national education coalitions, teacher unions, NGOs and anyone else concerned about promoting the right to education and committed to campaigning


Making Tax Work for Women's Rights

Tax and women’s rights are entwined. How tax is spent and raised matters more for women than men. And there is lots of potential for tax to bring about positive change in women’s lives – at the moment