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The West African Giveaway: Use & Abuse of Corporate Tax Incentives in ECOWAS

This report examines corporate tax incentives and their impact in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), with a focus on four countries: Nigeria, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal.The

Loss and Damage: Climate Reality in the 21st Century

With the current global average temperature now at around 1°C above pre-industrial levels, poor people in developing countries are already suffering devastation from climate change impacts.It is

Publication /

Annual Report, 2014

The year 2014 has seen numerous changes at ActionAid Ghana and the country as a whole.Ghana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) slowed down from an estimated 7.3% in 2013 to 4.2% in 2014 due to the gas


2015 Newsletter

ActionAid Ghana’s 2015 Newsletter titled; "Spotlight" is a comprehensive compilation of major events and stories from beneficiaries who have been empowered by our work in the various regions of Ghana


Young Urban Women: Inter-linkages between economic justice, bodily integrity and unpaid care work

Over the past two decades the world has experienced rapid urbanisation. Currently 50% of the world’s human population is concentrated in urban areas, and this number is steadily growing, with the


2015 Annual Report

ActionAid Ghana’s 2015 Annual Report comes under the theme, “Increasing Possibilities, Claiming Rights”, the first inspiration from our Country Strategy Paper V (CSP V) launched in June last year.It


Gold rush: the impact of gold mining on poor people in Obuasi in Ghana

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYWhile the price of gold dips from near-record levels on world markets, new ActionAid research highlights that poor people in Obuasi in Ghana are suffering huge social and


FLOW Newsletter

The Women’s Rights to Sustainable Livelihoods (WRSL) project I also known as the Funding Leadership Opportunities for Women I (FLOW I) project is implemented by ActionAid and its partners with funding


World Social Forum in a Glimpse

Country Director of ActionAid Mozambique, Amade Sucá, offers a first hand insight of the 2016 World Economic Forum held in Canada. 


Day Two of the World Social Forum

Regional and Thematic Manager for Education & Youth of ActionAid Malawi, Julie Juma, provides insight on the 2016 World Economic Forum held in Canada