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Day Three of the World Economic Forum

 Governance & Accountability Coordinator of ActionAid Tanzania, provides a first-hand insight of the 2016 World Economic Forum held in Canada


Day Four of the World Social Forum

ActionAid's partner, Denis Kalekeni, General Secretary of the Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM) provides a personal account of the 2016 World Social Forum held in Canada.


Not Ready, Still Waiting

Governments urgently need to improve their policy readiness if they want to have any chance of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on inequalities. Governments in developing countries


Resilience Handbook: A Guide to Integrated Resilience Programming

Resilience building offers a response to the increasingly complex realities faced by communities. Taking a holistic view, resilience building not only views disaster, conflict and climate change as


Toolkit on financing education

The Toolkit for Financing of Education is targeted at national education coalitions, teacher unions, NGOs and anyone else concerned about promoting the right to education and committed to campaigning


Making Tax Work for Women's Rights

Tax and women’s rights are entwined. How tax is spent and raised matters more for women than men. And there is lots of potential for tax to bring about positive change in women’s lives – at the moment


Position Paper: Promoting Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) as an Alternative Towards Achieving Food Security and the Right to Food

ActionAid Ghana hosted the West African Food Security Network regional advocacy workshop on Climate Resilience Sustainable Agriculture from the 30th of November to the 2nd of December, 2016. Please


Workshop Report: Promoting Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) as an Alternative Towards Achieving Food Security and the Right to Food

A thorough report of activities during ActionAid Ghana's three day hosting of the West African Food Security Network regional advocacy workshop on Climate Resilience Sustainable Agriculture from


People’s Power vs. Rising Inequality: Demanding Change Locally, Nationally, & Globally

ActionAid’s cycle of three reports on inequality, from global, national, and local perspectives, concludes with the release of Shifting Power. This summary looks at each report.A year of surprising


Charter of Demands: Actualizing women's land rights in Africa

The Kilimanjaro Initiative is a rural women’s mobilisation from across Africa towards an iconic moment at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro in October 2016. The Kilimanjaro Initiative was conceived when, we