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Inspiring Inclusion: ActionAid Ghana Backs Women In Politics

Women's voices in Ghanaian society have been the backbone of community strength and resilience. However, their journey in the political landscape has mostly been met with both formal and informal


The Power of Windfalls Report

On the first day of COP27 in 2022, Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations,
asked governments to tax the windfall profits of fossil fuel companies and redirect that


ActionAid Ghana Begins Its National Social Norms And Behaviour Change Campaign On Selected National Television Stations

ActionAid Ghana has begun its National Social Norms and Behaviour Change Campaign in a bid to increase public awareness of violence as well as end gender-based violence in communities. This initiative


Taxing windfall profits of fossil fuels and financial companies can boost climate finance

As millionaires and billionaires fly in to Davos this week to discuss the state of the world, efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change are desperately underfunded. Long-term solutions to ensure


ActionAid Ghana Champions Climate Resilience Among Youth

On Friday, February 16, 2024, the Centre for Climate Change and Gender Studies (CCCCGS, UENR) with support from ActionAid Ghana held the first-ever quiz competition on climate change and related



I am highly honoured to present to you A c t i o n A i d G h a n a ' s ( A A G ' s ) C o u n t r y S t r a t e g y Paper (CSP) VII. Hav ing successfully implemented our previous Country Strategy Paper



How to contact ActionAid in Ghana


ActionAid Ghana pays courtesy call to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice

ActionAid Ghana paid a courtesy call to the Attorney General and Minister of Justice on Friday, January 25, 2024, to discuss the progress of the legally binding instrument on business and human rights


ActionAid Ghana and Partners Readies for the Indigenous Seeds Development Seminar in Sunyani

ActionAid Ghana and Partners Readies for the Indigenous Seeds Development Seminar in Sunyani.
(Sunyani, Tuesday, May 21, 2024) ActionAid Ghana and partners from the University of Energy and Natural


ActionAid Ghana and Norsaac Launch "The ABCs of Reproductive Health: Random Questions High Schoolers Ask." Booklet for Adolescent Girls

The 2024 World Population Report by the UNFPA discloses that Thousands of women and girls continue to die from sexual and reproductive diseases in Ghana, despite the country's notable advances in