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Creating a fashion business out of waste

Selina Appiagyei is one of the beneficiaries of a project aimed at not only providing skills training to increase the economic levels of the youth but also investing in greening of businesses and


COP25: UN climate talks, ‘fail to offer helping hand to climate survivors’

Madrid, 15 December 2019 – The 25th UN climate conference (COP25) in Madrid ends today with little to no progress on supporting survivors of climate disasters in the Global South.

While deadly


In climate talks, rich countries are getting away with murder

This piece is by Brandon Wu, Director of Policy and Campaigns, ActionAid USA and is based on his contribution to a panel event at the UN climate conference in Madrid, exploring the limitations and


Cancelling COP in Chile must not delay progress on climate justice

The Chilean government has pulled out of hosting the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25) climate summit due to continuing protests against rising inequality.

Harjeet Singh, global lead on climate


ActionAid reaction to relocation of COP25 climate negotiations to Madrid, Spain

Harjeet Singh, Global Lead on Climate Change for ActionAid International says:

"The shifting of COP25 from Chile to Madrid with only four weeks’ notice presents real barriers to participation for


US and EU owe more than half the cost of repairing future damage caused by climate disasters

New analysis sets out how much responsibility the wealthy countries behind the climate crisis must take for the devastating impact that rising global temperatures are already having on developing


More than 150 NGOs sign open letter calling for loss and damage fund with debt relief

ActionAid is among 152 organisations, movements and unions, that have signed an open letter calling for a new fund to support survivors of climate disasters in the Global South. Ahead of the UN


Over 150 NGOs call on developed countries to stop using bullying tactics to block funding for climate disasters

Madrid, 29 November – As world leaders gather for the UN climate summit in Madrid, more than 150 organisations alongside climate activists Naomi Klein and Lidy Nacpil, have written to environment


The skills training that changed William’s life

When William Kuma completed his Junior High School studies, he did not have the money nor the support to further his education. As a result, he decided to understudy a mason since his father was in


Business and Financial Management Training Manual

This manual is a product of the collaborative effort of ActionAid Ghana, La Nkwantanang–Madina Municipal and the Sunyani West District Assemblies with funding from European Union.

The development of