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Community Risk Communication: Young Urban Women Movement leading the way

“I am glad that I joined other youth to share knowledge on COVID-19 with people living in deprived areas. It was a great task, but we were able to spread information to a lot of people who otherwise


93% of countries most vulnerable to climate disasters are either in or at significant risk of debt distress, new research by ActionAid shows

New research by humanitarian organisation, ActionAid International, has revealed a shocking 93% of countries at the forefront of climate disasters are drowning in debt. The organisation is calling for


ActionAid backs solutions to mitigate food insecurity threats

“The vulnerability in the North includes the threat of floods, prolonged droughts, rising temperatures, unreliable rainfall, severe windstorms and other climate-related emergencies which are already


Case Study on COVID-19 Response - Young Urban Women Movement

In October 2022, the Collective Service Youth Engagement Subgroup opened a call for the submission of proposals on documenting good practices on Youth Engagement and Leadership in the COVID-19


ActionAid supports 400 female household heads with livelihood startups tools

Modern slavery in various forms are depriving many people, especially women and children, of their fundamental rights and freedoms. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that almost 50


ActionAid calls on CHRAJ to integrate gender issues in the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights

“It behooves on us to ensure that gender issues are not relegated to the background but integrated into the plan.”

John further noted that beyond the voluntary UN Guiding Principles, the rest of the


ActionAid report: Food and fuel prices skyrocket up to tenfold in world’s most marginalised communities since war in Ukraine

The cost of food, fuel and fertiliser in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities is continuing to escalate to crisis levels since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with families spending up to ten


Village Savings and Loans Schemes improve women's access to finance

Supported by ActionAid in over 500 communities in Ghana, the village savings and loans scheme allows the women to make weekly and monthly contributions which goes into a pool. Members of the scheme


Parliament Select Committee consider the Anti-Witchcraft Bill

The Private Members Bill which is being led by Hon. Francis -Xavier Sosu, Member of Parliament for Madina Constituency, Hon. Godfred Seidu Jasaw, Member of Parliament for Was East Constituency and


International Workers Day: ActionAid Ghana calls for a national roadmap to address decent work deficits

As we inch closer to 2030, decent work and social protection cannot be relegated to the background, and call on the government to work with stakeholders across all sectors to ensure:

Fair minimum