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ActionAid International ("AAI," "ActionAid", “the Federation”, "We", "Us", "Our") understands and values the importance of individual privacy. At ActionAid We are strongly committed to protecting the


ActionAid Ghana Country Strategy Paper

The fourth Country Strategy Paper of Affiliate Ghana was rolled out in the year 2010. Dubbed “Rights and Responsibilities”, the strategy specifies the interventions in the selected themes to be


Young Women: Life Choices and Livelihoods in Urban Areas in Ghana

The proportion of Ghana’spopulation living in urbanlocalities has been rising sharplysince Independence.1 F rom arelative low 23% in 1960, it is estimatedthat the urban population reached 52%in 2010


ActionAid Ghana Annual Report 2011

In the year under review, ActionAid Ghana, as always, collaborated with partners, groups of people living in poverty, communities, and state institutions to address issues of violence against women

Publication /

Land Grabbing, Biofuel Investment and Traditional Authorities in Ghana (Policy Brief)

Equitable access to land and the security of land rights arecentral to socio-economic development, food security andpoverty reduction. This is because land and its resources arefundamental to


ActionAid Ghana Annual Report 2012

This report is a gist of all efforts of ActionAid Ghana, in partnership with rights holders, partners, collaborators and stakeholders in 2012.In 2012, ActionAid Ghana and partners ensured that issues


ActionAid Ghana: 20 years of child sponsorship

 Child sponsorship in our premier development areas in Bawku West and Chereponi in the northern part of Ghana enabled suppor ter s who share in ActionAids' vision and mission to sponsor, or fund


Women in Leadership Training Manual for Assembly Women and Women leaders

ActionAid Ghana (AAG), in collaboration with the Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS), developed this manual to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women and to facilitate training


Ghana under the interim Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)

Analysis of Socio-economic Development and Policy Options under the Interim EPA Regime with the European Union.