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Ghana under the interim Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union: Implications on socio-economic development

The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union (EU) and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries has been fraught with disagreement since it was initiated over ten years ago


Ghana Under the Interim EPA – Research of ActionAid Ghana

Analysis of Socio-economic Development and Policy Options under the Interim EPA Regime with the European Union

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Action Research on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the Bawku Municipality

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYActionAid Ghana (AAG) and Belim Wusa Development Agency (BEWDA) have been working in partnership on women’s rights issues since the creation of Bawku Development area (DA12) in 2005


Young Women: Life Choices and Livelihoods in Urban Areas in Ghana

This study seeks to support ActionAid Ghana to identify anddevelop appropriate interventions to address the challenges facingwomen aged 15-25 in two specific settlements – Bulpela andKpobiman. Bulpela

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Investment Incentives in Ghana: The executive summary

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYGhana’s trade policy and development agenda have over the years been dictated by the desire to attract Foreign Direct Investment and to increase export earnings. Tax incentives have


Investment Incentives in Ghana

Ghana's trade policy and development agenda have over the years been dictated by the desire to attract Foreign Direct Investment and to increase export earnings. Tax incentives have, therefore, been a


ActionAid Ghana's Not-For-Profit Organisation of the Year Award in Pictures

ActionAid Ghana has been adjudged the Not-for-Profit Organisation of the Year by the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Ghana. The prestigious award was in recognition of our "excellence in marketing"

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Protecting the Vulnerable: Witchcraft Accusations and Human Rights Abuses in Ghana

Witchcraft accusations and other human rights violations occur daily in many communities in Ghana. Usually victims of these allegations are given harsh and inhumane treatment, which include physical


AAG training for roll-out of new Country Strategy Paper (CSP) V

  2015 is a packed year for AAG. The AP is gearing up for a year of action and results.The following have been planned for the first quarter of the year:•  AAG at 25: An Anniversary Planning Committee


Country Strategy Paper V (CSP V): 2015 - 2019

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYActionAid Ghana this year introduced its fifth strategy paper titled; ’Increasing Possibilities, Claiming Rights’’ (2015-2019). The Country Strategy Paper V (CSP V) is a response to