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Missed Opportunity: How could funds lost to tax incentives in Africa be used to fill the education finance gap?

How much revenue do African governments lose from providing tax incentives, such as giving companies tax holidays and exemptions on paying taxes on import duties and value added tax? And if these


Out of Pocket: how much are parents paying for public education that should be free?

According to international human rights law, primary education should be free of charge, and secondary education should be made progressively free. Yet in many developing countries education is rarely


Position paper: Integrating SRHR, decent work and unpaid care work

This position paper is a product of the first three years of the ‘Young Urban Women: Life Choices and Livelihoods Programme’ aimed at empowering young women by addressing their economic rights (in


Policy Brief: Incorporation of Women’s Economic Empowerment and Unpaid Care Work into regional polices: Africa

Time to start caring – how ignoring Unpaid Care Work is holding back economic empowerment of Africa’s rural women


2018 Annual Report

The first account of our work under our current Country Strategy Paper VI (CSP VI) under the theme, "People’s Power for Social Justice, ActionAid Ghana’s 2018 Annual Report documents some of the


Financing education in Ghana

This report examines critical issues in education financing and the right to education in Ghana. To fully achieve the fundamental right to education, as enshrined in Ghana’s constitution and advocated


Policy Brief: Financing education in Ghana

This policy brief makes recommendations on funding education in Ghana by outlining the problems of education in Ghana, relevant laws and policies while analysing local and national priorities in


ActionAid International 2018 annual report

In 2018, as always, we were inspired by the stories of people resisting and fighting for their rights in the face of social injustice. Young people led the fight against climate change and resistance


Fighting domestic violence in Ghana: How DoVVSU set-ups provide safe spaces for survivors

ActionAid Ghana (AAG) has been working in Ghana since 1990 promoting women’s empowerment. AAG's Country Strategy Paper (CSP VI), under the name, 'People's Power for Social Justice', places women's


Falling through the Cracks: Tackling the Justice Deficit for Women Survivors in Ghana

This research report is part of a multi-country ActionAid campaign on access to justice for women, looking both at the global barriers to justice as well as the specific deficits in each of the four